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For ordering
For custom registration, you can choose the Material with Stainless Steel in The Desired Thickness
choose the scale you want and according to the number of steel size , choose the color you want and send it via email or number.
Email address and contact number are available for placing orders on the site.
Duration of products preparation:
D,E Kurd : Delivery below 5 days
customize Scales: Maximum 15 days
limited series: Maximum 30 days
CEO: Mohamed hassan aghajani
SP handpan can be custom made in all 23 steps
SPhandpan: 1mm : nitridedsteel
SPhandpan: 1.2mm : nitridedsteel
SPhandpan: limited series
SPhandpan: Stainless Steel
SPhandpan::Eye service

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1 Year Warranty

Our Story

Stainless steel instruments have more sustain and sound, and are rustproof, which do not need oiling and are used for meditation and music therapy. Also, stainless steel instruments cannot be used at high tempos due to their high sustain.


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