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Stainless steel instruments have more sustain and sound, and are rustproof, which do not need oiling and are used for meditation and music therapy. Also, stainless steel instruments cannot be used at high tempos due to their high sustain.

An accessory with Sp handpan, a very resistant but highly flexible case construction, a case bar, a napkin and a special oil for cleaning and maintaining the instrument are sent.

Also, there is a bag under the soft cases where you can store all kinds of handpan bases.

SP hand pens are produced from 2 materials, nitrided steel and stainless steel, in thicknesses of 1mm / 1.2mm.

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Our histoty

SP handpan started its work in the year 2018 in the production of high-quality hengdrams and has been able to improve day by day by using experts in metallurgy and music.

This instrument will help.

Our goal

One of the unique characteristics of sp handpan is the high percentage of nitride used in this instrument, which, in addition to steel, has a very high resistance to corrosion and rust – the main feature of nitride steel is excellent sound separation between notes and warm sound.  Very good at maintaining tune and suitable for high tempos and studio recordingIs.

Among other characteristics of nitride steel, we can mention the high variety of colors that all colors can be made with the temperature of the furnace.